Utilization of parent input is offered through a number of forums including site and community booster organization groups to ensure a diverse representation. These groups allow for ongoing dialogue to take place between school staff and parents. These groups include all of the following below.
Parent Teacher Club
Board Members 24/25 SY
School Assessment and Review Team (SART): meets quarterly during the school year to assess and review effectiveness of policies, procedures, programs and curriculum/textbook adoption, which are in place or proposed at Clovis Elementary. In March, CUSD conducts the annual SART Survey. This survey solicits parent opinion on curricular, co-curricular, technology, and other issues facing the district. SART is the only body entitled to process these surveys; the compiled results are shared with the community.
For more information contact: Donellekellom@cusd.com
Intercultural Diversity Advisory Council (IDAC): draws members from parents to represent our school at district level climate assessment/problem-solving meetings.
For more information contact: Donellekellom@cusd.com
School Site Council
School Site Council (SSC): meets quarterly with administrative, teacher, parent and student representatives to review and adopt the school site plan and grant final approval on all categorical funds.
For more information contact: Milena Wilson milenawilson@cusd.com